Increasing Brand Awareness
H&F Jewellery – 2021
When advertising, the brand’s overall engagement and conversions were signally that they were low compared to the reach audience we were receiving. From review customer inquiries and interviewing employees for client experiences, there were still skepticism for first time buyers, unable to grab initial buyer’s confidence before interaction.
While doing our competitor analysis, we noticed that not enough people were providing value-added approach digital content. We wanted to test a new concept video, where we take a raw authentic approach and bring the audience closer to the people who are behind the brand.
Our previous social content was focused on professionalism, high quality luxury and premium aesthetics, making sure that each diamond sparkled and each piece shined the best for each post.
To continue the social media sale growth and improve buyer’s confidence, we needed to improve the pages authenticity by bring a more human approach to our content. This way the brand’s customer experience is closer to the audience, as the viewers would be able to get a sample of how the customer experience would be in they were to shop in the store.
H&F Jewellery videos went from stylish high quality content shot with only our best camera equipment, to a new hybrid model, where we incorporated an A-roll clip with a staff from H&F Jewellery narrating the video content. We developed content not focused not on the products shown, but on value we can provide to our viewers through the narration and advice from an experienced staff. This gave the audience a sense of connection with the staff, and being able to receive free content, with an approach to help educate potential customers out of goodness of the brand, we’re able to gain the trust of our viewers and confidence to purchase jewellery not only from the staff member, but from the brand itself. With the continuous implementation of these videos, we’re able to establish a certain connection from the viewers that brand will not be able to achieve with traditional marketing approaches. We create consistent monthly sales inquires that also bonded stronger relationships for returning customers.
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