Driving in-store sales

Plant Based Chik'n Nuggets Product Launch

Haven Plant Based Eatery – 2020


Following the successful launch of the new vegan restaurant Haven Plant Based Eatery, they needed to reach a new audience to expand their customer base.

Since COVID was still relevant, the beloved asian night market festival was cancelled for 2 years in a row. People were dying to get a taste of what life was like before. Following this unfortunate news of the festival closure, Michael Lee coordinated with the kitchen to develop a dish that would have been launched at this festival if the restaurant were to attend. Haven decided to introduce “Night Market Chik’n Nuggets” to the menu, a dish that makes you say their slogan “Seriously… It’s Not Meat”


Services Used

Target Audience:


Haven not only wanted to reach a new audience, they also wanted to work towards a larger goal – drive more returning in-store sales with their new Night Market “Chik’n Nuggets.” How can we drive more in-store sales while also grabbing the audience that missed out on the asian night market festival?


During the summer, we noticed an influx of human street traffic in front of the restaurant. We wanted to take advantage of this opportunity by captivating the passing customers with our new Chik’n Nuggets. 


Following the successful launch of the new vegan restaurant Haven Plant Based Eatery, they needed to reach a new audience to expand their customer base.

Since COVID was still relevant, the beloved asian night market festival was cancelled for 2 years in a row. People were dying to get a taste of what life was like before. Following this unfortunate news of the festival closure, Michael Lee coordinated with the kitchen to develop a dish that would have been launched at this festival if the restaurant were to attend. Haven decided to introduce “Night Market Chik’n Nuggets” to the menu, a dish that makes you say their slogan “Seriously… It’s Not Meat”

Content production

Using long exposure and other lighting technics, Michael Lee photographed and designed ads for social media to replicate the fun neon colours seen at the night market festival.

These photos were used for social media ads, signage and print coupons.

Marketing materials

We wanted to make sure street visibility is the best it can be while still following the local laws on street advertisement. Along with the launch of the Night Market Chik’n Nuggets, we designed and printed outdoor signage, stickers and coupons for the launch day.

For 2 weeks, we had our staff rotate shifts on helping handing out samples outside of Haven of the Night Market Chik’n Nuggets. Along with the free sample, we also provided a coupon for a free order of Chik’n Nuggets with any combo to entice our newly captured audience to return for a full meal.

First Month Data

Our Campaign Results




Coupons Redeemed
With Order




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